Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan also known as the King of the industry or King Khan shared a glimpse from his daily routine, sleep cycle, meal, and workout. It grabs the attention of fans influence with his style, body, and career journey.
In an interview, SRK opened up about his initial days. He wished to have six-packs and a superhero-like physique with a girl in his arms and another with a gun.
SRK took COVID-19 as an opportunity, instead of wasting his time he worked hard on his fitness learned Italian cooking, and improved his appearance following his successful return to Pathaan, Jawan, and Dunki.
He also opened up about his efforts to produce another upcoming masterpiece, King Khan. It features Abhishek Bachchan as a negative character. “I used to come back from work at 2 am and take a shower then 30 minutes of workout. Sleep at 5 am and wake up at 9 am to 10 am to get back to work again.”